Future-proof your advertising with ID Fusion.

The cookieless future has significant performance and legal ramifications. As deadlines change, US marketers are expected to deliver results and predict the future all at once. This uncertainty is what inspired us to develop Adform ID Fusion.  

ID Fusion outperforms third-party cookies and frees you from walled gardens. It is the first and only tool to integrate with all major first-party data IDs. We “fuse” these data of other adtech players to give you rich targeting options and allow you to re-activate lost Safari and Firefox users. 

The result is better performance and it has turned our clients into believers. Still, we continue to support third-party cookies because the decision is ultimately yours. Whatever the future holds, you have all of the options at your fingertips with Adform. 

Want to learn more? Book a call. One of our identity-solution experts will break things down and explain how Adform can help you navigate today's ID landscape.  
