Creative Solutions: Leveraging Third-Party Cookie Data for Product Retargeting

Image of cookies

Its well known in the advertising industry that adtech is moving away from third-party cookies and the cookie apocalypse is on the horizon. However, our Creative Solution Team's inbox still receives many requests from brands to make their ads as personal as possible for the viewer, including strategies like hyperlocal targeting and users' interactions with the website.

While most of the projects use Product Retargeting or Dynamic Ads targeting capabilities, some advertiser's requests are even more detailed, for example, retargeting users based on where the visitor has clicked, entries in the search bar, previous purchases, etc. In these cases, we rely on third-party cookie capabilities and leverage it to its full capacity.


We recently received a request from a German advertiser who needed a banner to help them retarget website visitors who haven't completed their bookings on their site. These site visitors had left after filling out booking details like selecting a room, choosing how many people are going to stay, etc., but had not converted. The advertiser wanted to retarget these users and show an offer once more to draw them back to the website.

The main requirement was that this banner must feature the data that the visitor had already provided. However that meant we needed a way for the banner to have access to that information. This type of banner isn't something that is typically available on the market and requires a custom approach. A standard retargeting approach would require a feed that has products or offerings in it. However in this case, maintaining a feed with so many variables and combinations of date, room selection, number of people, meant that a standard feed would be difficult to maintain and was therefore not a good option for our client.

Our Approach

We decided that for this situation we could use third-party cookies with local storage and combine it with a product feed. We uses cookie to save relevant information about the booking, such as travel date, number of people, chosen room, and additional details. From the feed we could use pictures that are relevant to the specific booking.

By using additional information from the cookie, we can make the banner even more personalized. Having the feed allows the client to show room images and additional information and have the option to create reports. In the reports, the client can check which rooms gathered the most impressions and clicks.


Having the approach in mind, the solutions and banners function as follows:

  1. The user would visit the website and start to fill in the booking information
  2. While the user is filling in the form, the information is saved in Adform's cookie
  3. The retargeting campaign targets the site visitor and shows the banner
  4. While the banner is loading, it fetches the information from Adform cookie and the feed
  5. The user sees banner filled with the booking they showed interest in before

To fully preview the banner, first visit the booking page and fill in the information (link). Then, in preview link the banner will have the information to display from your cookie.

Learnings and Applications to Other Industries

By leveraging the existing working solution, we can easily scale it to fit other markets and industries. This solution also allows for tracking customer behavior, so that we can gain valuable insights into what customers are looking for. We can also use this to create personalized campaigns for products and services, or to generate targeted messages that will attract customers and encourage them to return. Other possibilities include creating tailored campaigns for products and services, or crafting individualized messages to attract more customers.


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