Today, we introduce a new resource to empower advertisers, agencies and publishers in their aspiration towards creating compelling ads that tell persuasive stories. With Adform Dynamic Ads, we’ve blended the power of advanced automation capabilities with an intuitive interface that unfetters advertisers for user-centric messaging that doesn’t require more work. Regardless of where you are in your conversation with the consumer, Dynamic Ads helps you reach them with tailored messaging that optimizes in real time.

Adform Dynamic Ads supplement our existing Dynamic Creative capabilities with a robust, automated workflow that allows you to tell hundreds of different user-tailored stories simultaneously. We help you do this by automating how each ad is created so that you’re free to invest the focus of your time into shaping the story you want to tell, not the creation or coordination of the assets that bring that story to life.

We’ve built this tool with your collaborative process and needs in mind. With Dynamic Ads added to your toolbox, you also gain the opportunity to step back and re-imagine what’s possible. This tool helps bridge previous limitations that may have constrained your vision, ability to tell complex stories, and client engagement.

Personalization, Automation, and Optimization in One Package

Dynamic Ads takes traditional dynamic creative customization and further refines it and supplements it by adding increased options and control for personalization. But, because personalization, in and of itself, has the potential to rapidly overwhelm teams if executed manually, we’ve also provided essential automation processes and tools. This makes scaling your personalized messaging practical and convenient. To round out the package of features and capabilities that make Dynamic Ads stand apart we’ve also taken a close look at how we can further enhance your ability to optimize.

From straightforward A/B testing to the ability to optimize creative variations for impact and efficacy, Dynamic Ads provides an all in one powerhouse backed by the quality support and intuitive user-centric experience you’ve come to expect and rely on.

Add Some Spice to Your Tailored Story Telling

In addition to creating hundreds of variations of your creative seamlessly, Dynamic Creative also makes telling vivid and dynamic stories easy. Draw on data streams that allow you to create hundreds of highly tailored creatives incorporating date and time-based data, behavioral messaging, geo data, demographic data, and CRM based data high impact messaging.

Creative Optimization

Our powerful new creative optimization tools continue to work and optimize in real time long after you’ve turned in for the night. By deploying always-on optimization based on Bayesian Statistics we give you a safe and convenient way to test for impact across multiple variations of your story simultaneously. This is done while drawing upon multiple variations in concert with inputs from the DMP or a wide range of other data signals.

Rapid Previews and Approval

Creating relevant ads often involves a complex team that includes Creative Agency, Media Agency, the Technical Agency and end Client. Our straightforward Preview capabilities make sharing, reviewing, and approving your Dynamic Ads an easy part of the experience.

Direct Connections to the Adform DSP, Ad Server, and DMP

Adform Dynamic Ads is offered as part of the Adform Ad Server. This means that existing Ad Server clients automatically gain full access to Dynamic Ad capabilities. Pricing is handled in line with our standard ad serving CPM pricing.

You can easily deploy your campaign through the Adform DSP if you’re a DSP client, and if you’re an Adform DMP client, you can draw upon a seamless connection to our Data Management Platform which opens up a host of creative possibilities. With the Adform DMP you also gain the advantage of immediate data availability, which means no need to wait for batch uploads or delays leading to missed opportunities.

For clients using the Adform Ad Server, but not the Adform Data Management Platform, Adform’s open and transparent approach applies. This means you can still leverage data from your DMP of choice, though you’ll always have more control and more extensive creative options when you pair the Adform DMP with Dynamic Ads.

With Adform Dynamic Ads You Gain the Ability to:

  • Leverage first-party data for enhanced storytelling
  • Rapidly build and deploy complex creatives
  • Scale your brand identity easily while maintaining cohesive branding
  • A/B test to refine messaging and enhance your message
  • Learn from performance data automatically to optimize for highest impact
  • Reduce mistakes through automation

Campaigns built using Dynamic Ads help you conquer ad wastage while fostering enhanced goodwill through increased ad relevance.

Ready to Get Started?

Jump straight into the Ad Server and start experimenting with Dynamic Ads immediately. Not an existing Adform Ad Server client? and one of our local sales representatives will be in touch shortly.

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